T he directorial debut of Ghanaian-American actress, Maame-Yaa Aforo has been released. Titled Brown Paper Pageant , the short film is on the ideas of colorism, and black beauty standards. The story is told through the creative lens of Akosua Yeboah, a quirky first generation American who enters a black beauty pageant in the South, and must decide whether or not to be authentic when she discovers the dark history of the pageant. “I made this film for the younger generation of black women to be able to see themselves and see their beauty. It is not a secret that it is rare to see dark skinned in leading roles in films, simply living and experiencing life,” explained Aforo via email to enewsgh.com from her base in the United States of America. “During my upbringing, I was just black because everyone else was white. There was no other blackness to compare my black to. It was not until I got to college in Atlanta when I was made aware that I was dark-skinned and on t...