Radio and TV presenter Jessica Opare-Sarforo over the weekend shared ten of her life's experiences and how they thought and shaped her to become who she is . She took to micro blogging site Twitter to share , what could possibly be valuable lessons for persons who are yet to give thought to the salient points she noted . It was hashtagged #10ThingsLifeTaughtMe
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe 2mrw is never guaranteed so its always best to do it today. Show love,help, lend a hand while u still can.
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe some friendships r bad for u. You need to learn to say 'NO' and stick to ur guns.
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe Mama is not always right. BUT she has some serious experiences u need to learn from. #AvoidableHeartaches
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe be VERY slow to judge. Until u've felt wat some1 feels, u can neva comprehend y they do wat they do.
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe things don't just happen. Every Choice, thought, plan and decision has brought u to this very moment. #beWise
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe Even the strongest of bonds can get broken. That's why u must learn to luv ur own urself
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe we all have different paths to lead.. Some of our paths may not lead to the brightest light.
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe it pays to wait ur turn. People have needlessly lost their lives jus bcos they wldnt b patient.
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe u will have to come to terms with the fact that ppl will and can hate u without ever givin u a chance. C'est la vie
#10ThingsLifeTaughtMe its always better to be quiet when u have nothing sensible to say. Than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Originally published on Enewsgh
Originally published on Enewsgh