Ghanaian actor, Kofi Siriboe has been named winner of a special jury recognition award for acting at the 2020 SXSW Film Festival. Siriboe and his lead co-star, Yootha Wong-Loi-Sing were commended for their “subtle performances and undeniable screen charisma” in the romantic drama ‘Really Love.’ “The power and excitement in this modern romance comes from the chemistry and depth of its two leads,” reads the statement recognizing the performances of the actors. “Their subtle performances and undeniable screen charisma give this love story its emotional stakes. The SXSW Special Jury Recognition for Acting goes to Kofi Siriboe and Yootha Wong-Loi-Sing.” The production follows the life of a starving artist (Siriboe) in gentrifying Washington D.C. who is struggling to find his place in the prestigious art world. When a young law student (Loi-Sing) unexpectedly comes into his life, he must choose between a whirlwind romance and his budding career as a successful painter. The cas...